Wiers Partners with Customers to Optimize Fleets

Trio of Trucks | Wiers

July 10, 2017

Wiers Partners with Customers to Optimize Fleets

Wiers partners with customers to optimize fleets

With 25 years in the business, President and CEO, Tom Wiers wanted to utilize the tools and resources he had to provide additional services and greater value to his customers.  He determined that there are four things companies ultimately need to increase productivity and profitability of their fleets.  They need to extend asset life by running trucks longer, control costs, maximize uptime and meet compliance of Government Regulations.  Additionally, Tom’s experience in the industry helped him understand that everybody is either spending too much or spending too little on their vehicles.   As a result of this insight, Wiers Fleet Partners was developed to help customers manage costs and make better business decisions.   The Pillars of Fleet Partnership are inclusive of:

  • Maintenance Solutions
  • Technology Solutions
  • Vehicles Solutions
  • Fleet Strategy and Support

Wiers Fleet Partners is the fastest growing part of the organization offering On-site Mobile Service and with the geographic expansion to six locations serving Plymouth, La Porte, Lafayette, Logansport and Indianapolis in Indiana and most recently opening in Louisville, KY.


Why Winterizing Your RV is Essential

Why Winterizing Your RV is Essential

RV Winterization is a critical process to safeguard your RV systems from freezing and cracking during the cold winter months. Wiers can help.