Welcome To Wiers: New Location Serving Pontiac, MI

Wiers welcomes LTM to the family in Pontiac MI

July 11, 2023

Tom Wiers sat down with Tim & Lee Marriott to discuss the Wiers acquisition process of LTM Auto Truck & Trailer in Pontiac, MI. We're proud to have the entire LTM team join the Wiers Family.

Wiers is now serving the great state of Michigan.

Tom Wiers sat down with Tim & Lee Marriott to discuss the Wiers acquisition process of LTM Auto Truck & Trailer in Pontiac, MI. This is the eleventh Wiers location offering 24/7 Fleet Service and Truck Repair to national and local companies requiring commercial truck maintenance and repair.

Pontiac, MI is a great opportunity for Wiers to continue our growth with LTM’s longstanding partnership with a FedEx hub facility managing repairs for local FedEx contracted drivers and their teams. Wiers has been growing our Light and Medium-duty offerings as demand in the market has grown, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve the growing delivery industry!

We’re thrilled to have Tim & Lee and their entire team join the Wiers family!

If you’d like to learn more about the Wiers growing network or would like more information about how we’re growing, visit sellmytruckrepairshop.com.


Why Winterizing Your RV is Essential

Why Winterizing Your RV is Essential

RV Winterization is a critical process to safeguard your RV systems from freezing and cracking during the cold winter months. Wiers can help.