Keep Rolling: International Roadcheck 2019

Keep Rolling: International Roadcheck 2019

According to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, “International Roadcheck is the largest targeted enforcement program on commercial motor vehicles in the world, with nearly 15 trucks or buses inspected, on average, every minute across North America during a 72-hour period.”

This year’s International Roadcheck is set for June 4-6, 2019. Are you ready?



With the goal of examining things like compliance as it relates to vehicle and driver safety, the Roadcheck is an opportunity to make sure your vehicle is running in perfect order. Here are the results of last year’s Roadcheck according to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance:

  • 67,603 inspections
  • 6 percent of Level I inspections were placed out of service
  • Top vehicle violations:
    • Brake systems (28.4 percent)
    • Tires and wheels (19.1 percent)
    • Brake adjustment (16.3 percent)
  • Top driver violations:
    • Hours of service (43.7 percent)
    • Wrong class license (21.4 percent)
    • False record of duty status (10.2 percent)

Prepare for this year’s Roadcheck by being proactive and schedule an appointment with Wiers. With just a few weeks until the inspections, it is important to note that this year’s emphasis will be on steering and suspension systems. Critical systems for safety, Wiers can ensure these systems are ready for inspection and ready to keep you safe.



2018 Statistics Source: Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance 


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Why Winterizing Your RV is Essential

RV Winterization is a critical process to safeguard your RV systems from freezing and cracking during the cold winter months. Wiers can help.