Tom Wiers brings his 30+ years of expertise to help provide insights to viewers and listeners on the commercial truck industry. No matter what part you play in the diesel industry, this show aims to give you fantastic insights.
Wiers Acquires Truck Service Center in Columbus, OH Wiers Fleet Partners announced the acquisition of Earl’s Truck Sales & Service Earl’s Truck Sales & Service is located just south of downtown inside the I-270 loop. Columbus is the seventh Wiers location...
Wiers has been dedicated to donating to children’s charities and the Special Education Department at Plymouth high school has been the most recent recipient of their support. The Life skills class has limited resources and budget to purchase all the necessary...
Here’s a review of the history behind the CAFÉ rules (which stands for the Corporate Average Fuel Economy). These standards were enacted by the United States Congress in 1975, after the 1973-74 Arab Oil Embargo, to improve the average fuel economy of cars and light...
Regulations and rules are as much a part of the inner workings of the trucking industry as are fuel prices and traffic. The current situation is in a state of flux with many trucking regulations that seemed imminent, now, under a new presidential administration facing...
So, you’ve made the great decision to tap into the power of Telematics technology to gain insights into your business. Excellent move. You may be asking yourself a few questions: How do I interpret all of this fleet data? How do I determine what’s actually relevant?...